
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

7 Easy Things To Do In February To Make Your Blog Better

We all want more visitors to our blog, but importantly we want them to become regular visitors. We spend time carefully writing posts that we hope others will find interesting. We blog because we have a passion, we have ideas and thoughts that we want to share with people in the hope that in someway they become informed.

Here are my 7 easy things to do in February to make your blog better.

  1. Get listed

    1. Make sure your listed at DMOZ

    2. Make sure that the whole of your blog is indexed on the main Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing.

    3. Get a Google Sitemap on your blog to help to get it fully indexed

  2. Nowadays it is almost taken for granted – so it almost always forgotten, get listed.

    What to do: Make sure your blog is listed and index on Google, Yahoo and Bing etc. and if you haven’t already submit your site to DMOZ.

  3. Write quality content.
    If you think about it all bloggers are teachers. Our posts pass on information and our visitors read it. We transfer knowledge.Now think about why people visit your blog – you have information that they want to read.There is very little point in writing a post just to write a post, make sure that it contains something that your readers will want to read – and share.

    What to do: During February, whenever you write a blog post think – is this the quality I want to share with my readers, will they learn from it?

  4. Give a pat on the back
    Visit other blogs and leave constructive comments not forgetting to link back to your blog.You spend time crafting your posts, guess what so do others. It is always nice to receive feedback on our work. How many times have you visited a blog and been inspired by a post?Tell the author, leave a comment it gives encouragement. It gives the writer a warm feeling of satisfaction that their hard work is appreciated. Remember we all like to be appreciated.

    There are multiple benefits here, you can link back to your blog, perhaps even a specific post. As people read the blog comments (I do) they often visit linked blogs and if you have quality blog content you may have a new reader.

    What to do: Every day in February visit a blog and leave a constructive comment.

  5. Share posts you find with your blog readersIf you find a great blog post share it with your readers. Don’t forget that just because you found it doesn’t mean your readers will. We all love recommendations, a reader who visits a blog by recommendation is much more likely to become a regular visitor and contributor.When sharing don’t just cut and paste, write a critique, tell people why you liked (or disliked) the post, what you found interesting and why.

    What to do: Every day in February share one new found blog post with your readers.

  6. Use the social networks like twitter
    Twitter, Facebook etc are now so popular that it is impossible to ignore them is this list of easy thinks to do. If you don’t already “twit” them start. It’s quite easy just sign up at social media like Twitter is all about sharing useful information and is a great way of getting links back to your site which will boost your rankings and traffic. Beware if you continually promote your own content, or use automated systems for regular posts it is easy to get banned for self promotion. There are also a great amount of Spam posts on twitter, people who post every few minutes (sometimes seconds) on irrelevant things.Just as you should create quality content for your posts create quality content for your tweets. Only submit useful content that people may be interested in. You only have 140 characters to play with but you would be amazed what you do with them.

    Retweet posts you have found via twitter, again people love recommendations

    What to do: Every day in February share and retweet one blog post with your twitter followers.

  7. Encourage people to “go deep”
    Typically a new blog post will appear at the top of your home page pushing your previous posts down the list. The more frequently you post the more your previous posts will move. This can make it hard for people to find and then read a post they haven’t already read. Encourage people to “go deep”, go beyond the front page and find those valuable previous posts. Here are two easy ways to do that.

    What to do: During February make sure put internal links within you blog.

  8. Set some targets
    Targets are a great way of measuring how effective your blog actually is. Most of us already use some form of statistics (Google analytics or other) to monitor our visitors, but do we actually “use” them. Probably not.So my final suggestion of easy things to do is to use this information to set targets. Some ideas might be “During February I want to:…… increase my daily visitors from “x” to “y”.”

    … see my visitors visiting more pages – i.e. going in deep”

    What do I really mean?

    Increasing daily visitors is easy to monitor. You have “x” now and by the end of February you want “y”. So set a target say you want to increase your visitors by 20% or a specific number. By setting the target you can then plan how to achieve it.

    Get people to visit more pages, in simple terms let us say you have 100 hits a day you probably know how many pages visits you have, say 200. This means that on average people visit 2 pages. Why not set a target and get people to visit 3 or 4 pages. It will mean that more of your valuable hard work in crafting posts is read. The more it is read the more change you have of it being shared and therefore the more change of new visitors.

    And finally combine all the ideas in the list above into targets.

Here are my targets for February?

  • I want to see an increase in daily visitors of 50%

  • I want them to read 5 pages/posts not just 3

  • I will visit at least 1 new blog a day and leave a comment

  • I will share a new blog post every day withy my visitors

  • I will tweet at least 1 interesting blog post each day

What are your targets?

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